These are the people who have worked and are still working with us with the commitment and professionalism that made the strength and history of the firm. For this reason, we have always tried to ensure that our human resources have the best conditions in professional and personal terms, so that skills could grow and attitudes find the right space. Maybe that is why we have often celebrated the retirement of people who entered the world of work with us.
A very low turnover of employees and the highest average professional seniority, balanced by the inclusion of new forces in times of development, mean that the Customer always has a key figure to refer to, who knows every detail of his situation. To ensure maximum service continuity, our staff is divided into working groups that share all the knowledge related to a particular Customer and his updated situation, so that any absence by the point of contact can be effectively bridged.

Each work group is dedicated to certain Customers and is composed of trained people who share all information about any situation, in order to ensure the constant presence of a contact person.
- Stefania Bodecchi, Patrizia Piemontese, Barbara Saponaro, Roberta Muraglia
- Fabiana Longhi, Lina Calabretta, Valeria Pirri
- Roberta Bosco, Barbara Massara, Marina Balboni, Laura Mezzetti
- Francesca Salvatori, Cristina Tugnoli
- Olga Dalle Molle, Alessandra Neri, Martina Drusi
Cristina Rabbi
Valentina Sarracino, Monia Montemurro